Variable Data Delivers the Focus of a Laser in Your Marketing
The ability to tailor and customize the message to each prospective customer or client is called Variable Data Marketing. When we begin a Variable Data Campaign, we first assemble the data. More than mailing lists and e-mail addresses, we actually examine some pertinent traits or characteristics of the group and each individual within that group.
As an example, let’s suppose we know if the prospect is a fire fighter or a school teacher. We can then stream images associated with those two professions directly into the campaign media. This helps paint the picture for that individual and they become more receptive.

With One-to-One Marketing, Variable Data technology can accomplish repetitive exposures to the same prospect. This practice yields greater awareness and faster recall. Spanning print, e-mail, web landing pages, and social media, this provides a consistent message across multiple platforms delivering success in today’s fast paced campaigns.
Opening that stream of data increases the prospect’s familiarity to the message. If we add age, marital status, active or retired job status, and so on into that stream, one begins to gather the complexity of the data and understands how intimately defined the message can become for each individual prospect. This is One-to-One Marketing.